Posted by Tedd V

What do I have to do to make you love me? What do I have to do to make you care? What do I have to do to make you hug me? What do I have to do to make you share a day with me? I mean all I’m asking is that one day you go away with me, to a place where it can be just you and me. No phone calls, no newspaper, no TV, just you and me. I long for a day we can just kick back and relax, just watch the sky while we lie on our backs and soak up the sun. When we can take time to get to know each other, we see each other almost every day, but I don’t even know your favourite colour.

Last night I waited up late for you; you came in past midnight, went and took a shower and went straight to bed. No word, not even a “goodnight.” Last week, I made your favourite meal; it got cold on the table, so I put it in the oven and left you a note. Only to wake up the next day and find you brought home a doggy bag from Big Joe’s. Something seems unnatural in this relationship, something seems off. Almost like I’m an employee and you’re the boss. I feel like I’m working hard to earn a bonus, and you’re bracing yourself to fire me. In that case why did you hire me?

Like a fool I linger and tolerate, I know I should go but somehow I wait, hoping that you will turn around and look at me different. Hoping you’ll one day see me here waiting, see me here aching, see me here wanting to feel wanted by you. Wanting to feel loved by you, wanting to be hugged by you & wanting to be your number one, your first choice when you want to have fun in the sun. Hoping you’ll let me ride shotgun, hoping you’ll treat me like your son.

What do I do to make you want me? What do I have to say to be heard? What do I do to bring you closer? Daddy, please tell me I can’t take this hurt.

Written in by Tedd V. 1997 Inspired by Elton John - Dedicated to my father. (Things have since gotten better)